Return And Exchange

Return And Exchange

After placing order if you have changed your mind before and after the jacket has been shipped to your address we can accept your request if your request is not fraudulent and non-legitimate matters. You can qualify for the return and exchange facility if;

  1. Your received jacket or product doesn’t match your ordered description
  2. The jacket is not the same as you order.
  3. You think the quality is not what you had ordered for.
  4. The product is not damage and in its original shape.
  5. Its labels and tags haven’t been removed.

Prior to you decide any return or exchange you must first contact with our support representative and provide the detail reason of return or exchange. Once we approve your request then you ship back your product to us.

Policy and terms of return or exchange.

  1. If you are not pleased with the quality of goods or leather on receiving them then you have a time of 24 hours to contact our customer care representative let him know what went wrong. After 24 hours have passed after receiving of the product you don’t qualify to claim for a return or an exchange.
  2. No defected or damaged good will be accepted in terms of return or an exchange at all no matter what.
  3. It is strongly advised to contact us timely via email or the phone about any inconvenience caused. On receiving the product if you decide to return it then you have 24 hours to contact us as after this your return request will be considered void and fully invalid.
  4. We do not cater or entertain return and exchange requests if the good is no more in reselling or the original condition it was sent in.

No Refund & Exchange For Custom Orders

  1. In case you’re provided sizes and measurements don’t fit to you on receiving the product then you cannot be nominated to get any refund or return facility from us. If we are entitled to provide you jacket exactly as per the sizes that you mentioned.
  2. If you select a different color rather then product’s original color which is showing the pictures, then you do not qualify for a return or exchange as your initial order description is considered as a non-revocable contract.

Replica Jackets of Celebrities

Please note that all the celebrities jackets which we are selling is a 1st class Replica. We are not selling celebrities original or branded jacket. So there is may be a slight or a big difference between showing pictures and what you actually get. But we guarantee quality product in any case.

If you required alter or changes

After placing order you have 24 hrs either edit or change provided specification of the jackets. We can consider and acknowledge it. After provided time frame any request for update or change instruction for alteration will not be accepted because your order will be in production phase.

Thus all the adjustments, measurements and design related changes should be communicated within the 24 hours of your order placement.

If you cancel the order during production phase we deduct 50% of your paid amount for the order.

Order Cancellation terms

  1. If you cancel an existing order that has not been dispatched for shipment 50% of the total paid amount will be deducted.
  2. Since the process of customization and manufacturing starts after 24 hours of order placement you.
  3. Cannot change the color, design or theme of the jacket after 24 hours have passed from your order placement moment?
  4. After 7 days of verification of the order no cancellation will be accepted

World Class Jackets cross checked every piece of the ready jacket before being delivered. Our quality control department check carefully before delivery to make sure the perfection is the only caliper we apply till the last step.

Return shipping Cost

Customers are responsible for the returns shipping charges if they don’t want our product. We do not bear return shipping cost in any case unless the item is faulty.

Secondly! unless a faulty item is received, we issue refunds after deducting shipping costs even if it is FREE because we pay for the shipping from our profit, If we do not make profit than we don’t bear the shipping cost. We are doing it like as eBay and Amazon do, because we already spend $25 to $50 in shipping depending on customer’s location and weight of the package.

We only accept return through the service which we sent the package. For example we send the package through DHL or FedEx to the customer than we only accept return through DHL or FedEx with a tracking ID which is MUST, because we do not want to wait for our product for a period of more than 10 Days. Other third rated courier services are not accepted which are cheap in rates and too slow in deliveries.

If we get the Item after 10 days of it’s return than we have the right to deduct 15% of the total amount of order as we lose many potential customers because of this delay which is made by the customer. If we get it after 20 days than we deduct 30%, After 30 days we deduct 60% and more than 30 days we will deduct 75% of the actual amount.

If the returning parcel misplaced then we are not bound to refund a single penny.


In case World Class Jackets is unable to deliver your order or delayed the order more then 30 days and we cannot resolve the issue and you still wish to get a refund, you are justified to get a refund accordingly.

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